Top Opportunities to Migrate to Australia in 2023-2025

Chargé.e de Gestion Comptable et Financière (CGCF) – Cellule Urgences H/F


Médecins Sans Frontières, association médicale humanitaire internationale créée en 1971, apporte une assistance médicale à des populations aux prises avec des crises menaçant leur survie et est présente dans une trentaine de pays.

L’indépendance financière de Médecins Sans Frontières est un élément indissociable de son indépendance d’action. La transparence financière a pour objectif de permettre à l’association de prévoir, à moyen terme, les moyens lui permettant de garantir la continuité de son action, de préserver la confiance que lui accordent les donateurs et donc son indépendance financière.

Dans le cadre d’un remplacement, nous recherchons pour notre département Finances, un·e Chargé·e de Gestion Comptable et Financière (CGCF) – Cellule Urgences.


Rattaché.e à la direction financière, sous la supervision hiérarchique du Responsable Comptable Adjoint Terrain et sous la supervision fonctionnelle du Responsable Financier de la cellule urgences, le (la) Chargé(e) de Gestion Comptable et Financière a pour mission d’assurer le suivi de la comptabilité des programmes qui lui sont affectés. Travaillant au sein de la cellule, il (elle) assiste le responsable financier dans l’organisation financière des missions.

Principales responsabilités :

Superviser la comptabilité des programmes

  • Contrôler la cohérence et la fiabilité des enregistrements comptables et s’assurer du suivi des procédures comptables et de gestion
  • Assurer l’intégration des comptabilités terrain dans la comptabilité siège
  • Contribuer à la mise en œuvre des règles comptable et à l’adaptation des règles de gestion des missions
  • Participer à l’audit comptable des missions
  • Participer à la clôture des comptes
  • Assurer la totalité de la comptabilité des missions exploratoires

Contribuer à la sécurité des actifs

  • Assister le Responsable Financier de la cellule dans l’optimisation de l’organisation administrative et comptable (gestion de l’argent, sécurisation des flux organisation des équipes comptables, optimisation des flux comptables) et le suivi financier des missions (suivis analytiques ou budgétaires spécifiques)


Apporter un conseil et un support

  • Contribuer à l’évolution et à l’adaptation du système comptable des missions sous la supervision du Responsable du Service Comptabilité et du Responsable du Service Gestion Terrain
  • Apporter un soutien technique aux Coordinateurs Finances & Ressources Humaines et aux Responsables Comptables des terrains et participer à leur formation tout au long de la mission


  • Assister le Responsable Financier de la cellule dans l’organisation (sécurité de l’argent, organisation de la comptabilité) et le suivi financier des missions (suivis analytiques ou budgétaires spécifiques)
  • Prendre part de manière active à la définition et à la réalisation des formations administratives, comptables et financières
  • Participer à des visites terrains dans le cadre de support aux équipes ou de « gap filling »
Compétences professionnelles


  • DUT / BTS Comptabilité-Gestion ou Ecole de commerce.


  • Expérience professionnelle de deux ans minimums en comptabilité ou en gestion.
  • Expérience sur un terrain dans l’humanitaire fortement recommandé (expérience MSF est un plus).

Langues : Anglais courant à l’écrit à l’oral indispensable (B2 minimum).

Qualités requises
  • Excellente maitrise des logiciels courants de bureautique.
  • Connaissance d’un logiciel de comptabilité générale.
  • Savoir mettre en œuvre des techniques d’analyse et de comparaison de données chiffrées.
Spécificités du poste

Statut : CDI à temps plein. Poste cadre basé à Paris avec déplacements fréquents sur les terrains MSF à prévoir.

Conditions salariales : 43,31K€ bruts annuels sur 13 mois.

Poste à pourvoir : dès que possible.

Type de contrat


Salaire (€)


  • Tickets Restaurant valeur faciale 11 € pris en charge à 60% par MSF
  • Mutuelle 100%
  • Frais de transport à 50%
  • 22 jours de RTT par an
Date limite de dépôt de candidatures

MSF tient à la protection des données personnelles de ses membres, de ses salariés et des personnes souhaitant rejoindre l’association. Les données collectées lors de cette candidature seront strictement transmises, pour un traitement équitable et de qualité, aux personnes intervenant dans le processus de recrutement, quel que soit l’endroit où se trouve la structure MSF à laquelle elles appartiennent. Pour plus d’informations sur la façon dont sont traités vos données et vos droits, veuillez consulter notre politique de confidentialité.


Top Opportunities to Migrate to Australia in 2023-2025

Are you considering a move to Australia in the next few years? If so, you’re in luck! 2023-2025 is full of excellent opportunities for those looking to migrate to Australia.

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From work visas and permanent residency to student and family visas, Australia is home to a variety of options for those interested in living down under. In this blog post, we’ll explore the top opportunities to migrate to Australia in 2023-2025.

Overview of Australia’s Immigration Policy and Opportunities

Australia’s immigration policy provides several pathways for individuals to migrate to Australia. These pathways are designed to attract skilled workers, entrepreneurs, investors, students, and families. The Australian government recognizes the need for a diverse workforce and welcomes migrants who can contribute to the country’s economy and society.

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Australia’s migration program is structured on a points-based system, where applicants are evaluated based on their age, English language proficiency, work experience, education, and other factors. Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria may be invited to apply for permanent residency in Australia.

Migrating to Australia can be a life-changing opportunity for individuals looking for new experiences and opportunities. Whether you are seeking to further your career or education, reunite with family or friends, or simply explore a new country, Australia has plenty to offer.

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In the following sections, we will outline some of the most popular pathways for individuals to migrate to Australia, including skilled worker visas, entrepreneur and investor visas, student visas, regional migration and state-sponsored visas, and family and partner migration. We will also discuss some recent changes to Australia’s immigration system and how they may impact potential applicants.

Skilled Worker Visas and In-Demand Occupations

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Australia’s economy has been growing steadily for the past few years, which means there is an increasing demand for skilled workers in various industries. Skilled workers from overseas have the opportunity to apply for permanent residency in Australia through the Skilled Worker Visa program.

The Skilled Worker Visa program is designed for people with specific skills, work experience, and qualifications that are in demand in Australia. The first step is to complete a skills assessment and meet the relevant criteria for your occupation. The Skilled Occupation List (SOL) outlines the occupations that are currently in demand in Australia.

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Some of the in-demand occupations include:
– Healthcare professionals, such as nurses, doctors, and physiotherapists
– IT professionals, such as software developers and network engineers

– Tradespeople, such as electricians, carpenters, and plumbers
– Engineers, such as civil engineers and mechanical engineers
– Accountants and finance professionals

If you have skills and experience in one of these occupations, you could be eligible for a Skilled Worker Visa and permanent residency in Australia. However, the process can be complex, and it’s important to seek professional advice and guidance.

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The Skilled Worker Visa program is a points-based system, which means that applicants are awarded points based on factors such as age, English language proficiency, work experience, and qualifications. The more points you have, the higher your chances of being invited to apply for a visa.

It’s also worth noting that some occupations have higher point thresholds than others, and the points required can change depending on the needs of the Australian labour market.

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If you’re interested in applying for a Skilled Worker Visa, it’s important to do your research and ensure that you meet the relevant criteria. Working with a registered migration agent can also help to simplify the process and increase your chances of success.

Entrepreneur and Investor Visa Options

If you’re looking to migrate to Australia and start a business or invest in an existing one, there are a variety of visa options available to you. The Business Innovation and Investment visa (subclass 188) is a popular choice for entrepreneurs and investors who want to move to Australia permanently.

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To qualify for this visa, you must meet certain requirements related to your business or investment experience, age, English language proficiency, and overall health. You’ll also need to provide a detailed business plan or investment proposal outlining your goals and how you plan to achieve them.

The Business Innovation and Investment visa comes with several different streams, including the Business Innovation stream, which is geared towards individuals with business skills and experience; the Investor stream, which is for individuals who are willing to invest at least AUD 1.5 million in an Australian state or territory; and the Significant Investor stream, which requires an investment of at least AUD 5 million.

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Another option is the Entrepreneur visa (subclass 188), which is designed for individuals who want to start a new business in Australia. This visa is suitable for those who have a unique business idea or concept and have the skills and experience to bring it to life.

To be eligible for this visa, you’ll need to have a funding agreement in place with a third-party Australian investor, and your business idea must be innovative and likely to create jobs.

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In addition to the Business Innovation and Investment and Entrepreneur visas, there are other visa options available to those looking to migrate to Australia as an investor or entrepreneur. These include the Investor Retirement visa (subclass 405) and the Premium Investor visa (subclass 188).

No matter which visa option you choose, it’s important to work with an experienced immigration lawyer or consultant to ensure you meet all the requirements and complete the application process correctly.

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With the right visa and a solid business plan or investment strategy, you can take advantage of the many opportunities available in Australia and make a successful transition to life down under.

Student Visa Pathways to Permanent Residency

If you’re considering studying in Australia, it’s important to know that there are also opportunities to turn your student visa into a pathway to permanent residency. The government has implemented a number of measures to attract international students and encourage them to stay in the country after graduation.

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One of the key initiatives is the post-study work visa, which allows students who have completed a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree to stay in Australia for an additional two to four years to gain work experience in their field. This can be a valuable opportunity to build your career and network with local professionals while also earning a salary.

In addition to the post-study work visa, there are also a number of other options available for students who want to migrate to Australia permanently.

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These include employer-sponsored visas, which allow graduates to work for an Australian company and eventually apply for permanent residency, as well as skilled worker visas for those with high-demand occupations such as healthcare, engineering and IT.

To be eligible for these visa pathways, you’ll need to meet certain criteria such as a minimum level of education, language proficiency, work experience and health and character requirements. It’s important to research your options carefully and consult with a qualified immigration professional to ensure you understand the process and can maximize your chances of success.

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Overall, studying in Australia can be an excellent way to gain a world-class education and open doors to new career opportunities. With the right strategy and support, it’s also possible to turn your student visa into a pathway to permanent residency and build a bright future in this beautiful country.

Regional Migration and State-Sponsored Visas

If you’re looking to migrate to Australia but want to settle outside the major cities, then regional migration and state-sponsored visas might be the perfect option for you.

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Australia’s regional areas are keen to attract migrants to help with population growth and address skill shortages. The Australian government has therefore introduced regional migration visas to incentivize people to settle in regional areas.

The Skilled Regional Visa (subclass 887) is a popular option for those who have lived and worked in regional Australia for at least two years and who want to apply for permanent residency. It is also an ideal pathway for those who have completed their studies in Australia and want to stay.

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Another visa option for regional migration is the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187), which allows regional employers to sponsor skilled workers from overseas to fill jobs in their businesses. This visa is ideal for those who have skills in demand in regional areas, and who are looking to gain permanent residency.

State-sponsored visas are also available, and are aimed at encouraging migrants to settle in a specific state or territory. Each state has its own occupation list, so it’s worth checking if your skills are in demand in a particular area.

In summary, if you’re looking to migrate to Australia but want to settle in regional areas, there are a variety of visa options available to you.

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These include the Skilled Regional Visa, Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme, and state-sponsored visas. With the Australian government actively encouraging regional migration, now is a great time to consider these opportunities.

Family and Partner Migration

Migrating to Australia with your family or partner can be an exciting adventure. The family and partner migration program allows Australian citizens, permanent residents, and eligible New Zealand citizens to sponsor their relatives or partners to migrate to Australia.

If you are married or in a de facto relationship with an Australian citizen or permanent resident, you may be eligible for a partner visa. This visa allows you to migrate to Australia and live with your partner.

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The partner visa also allows you to work and study in Australia. The application process for a partner visa can take some time, but it is a great opportunity for those who want to build a life in Australia with their loved ones.

migrate to australia

For those with family members in Australia, there are various options to migrate to Australia through the family migration program. The family migration program allows eligible family members of Australian citizens and permanent residents to migrate to Australia.

This includes parents, children, and siblings. The application process can take time, but it is a great opportunity for those who want to be reunited with their families in Australia.
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It’s important to note that the eligibility requirements and visa application process can be complex. Seeking professional advice can help you navigate the process and ensure you have the best chance of success.

If you’re considering family or partner migration to Australia, it’s worth exploring the available options and seeking professional advice to help you achieve your goals.

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Migrating to Australia with your family or partner can be a wonderful opportunity to build a new life in a beautiful country. Whether you’re reuniting with loved ones or starting a new life with your partner, the family and partner migration program offers many opportunities for those who want to migrate to Australia.

Changes to Australia’s Immigration System

Australia is known for its stable economy, multicultural society, and high standard of living, which make it a top destination for those looking to migrate to Australia.

The Australian government understands the importance of immigration and how it contributes to the country’s growth. Therefore, they have recently introduced changes to the immigration system to make it easier for people to migrate to Australia.

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One of the significant changes to the immigration system is the introduction of a new visa called the Global Talent Visa. This visa is designed for talented individuals who work in high-demand sectors like technology, engineering, and science.

The visa allows these individuals to migrate to Australia and work for a designated employer without having to go through the traditional points-based system. This visa is part of Australia’s plan to attract the world’s top talent and make the country a hub for innovation.

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Another significant change is the increase in the number of regional visas available. Australia is a large country with many regions that are in need of skilled workers.

The government has recognized this need and is encouraging people to migrate to Australia’s regional areas by offering incentives like additional points on the points-based system and faster processing times.

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This move is part of the government’s plan to ease the population pressure on major cities like Sydney and Melbourne and help the regional areas grow.

The government has also introduced a new family sponsorship visa, which allows Australian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their parents to migrate to Australia. This visa has a shorter processing time than previous parent visas and is part of the government’s plan to reunite families and strengthen family ties.

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Finally, the government has made changes to the citizenship test, which migrants must pass before they can become Australian citizens. The test now includes questions on Australian values and beliefs, which the government believes will help migrants integrate into Australian society better.

Official website : MIGRATE TO AUSTRALIA

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